Football: Hallucinogen of the Masses

Karl Marx, the father of Socialism, called religion the “opiate of the masses”; however, modern America has been given a new prescription. Some say football is the new opiate, but it has evolved into more than that. Football is the hallucinogen of the masses. It not only pacifies the population, but also portrays false images onto society. 

News has been dominated by the return of American football. The return of high school, collegiate, and professional teams has overshadowed all other problems seen in the media. Has America forgotten its border crisis where thousands of children are without a home and a family? Has America forgotten the Ukraine where a new cold war is waging in the Balkans? Has America forgotten the Middle East where an eternal Holy War still rages on? All America contemplates is football. This addiction makes Americans appear hypocritical. Americans have long viewed themselves as a global peacekeeping force; however, this fundamental principle is being forsaken for a leisure activity. 

The hallucinogen, football, projects false images onto society. Safety and unity are being sacrificed in pursuit of football glory. The National Football League lives in a fantasy land where as long as children keep their “heads up”, they imply that injuries will be lessened. Furthermore, they have the audacity to imply this to the children and their parents. Football is not a safe game. The NFL and the NCAA put profit before safety. The more children that play football, the more the industry will grow. It has gotten to the point in America where football has become a part of everyday life. One would assume that this would make football a national tool to fuse opposing cultures together; unfortunately, this is not the case. This creates more divisions between the American people and its cities. Rivalries do not promote healthy competition; they promote division and brutality. Division is on a national and local level. Children are brought up in school districts to loath their rivals and anyone associated with the opposing school. 

 Anything can be good in moderation, but America’s fixation with football needs to be addressed. The Romans had gladiator fights which are now considered barbaric by modern society. Will America’s obsession with football one day be viewed as barbaric as ancient Roman gladiatorial practices?